Toy Gun Affair With Images of Islam, Auchan Apologizes

A toy gun sold in the French supermarket Auchan has sparked debate. The gun features a logo that resembles a star and a crescent moon, symbols generally associated with Islam or Muslim-majority countries.

The toy gun was sold for one euro and was reportedly distributed in the Paris area. The gun resembles an AK-47. Numerous Internet users tweeted their outrage, prompting the distributor to promise to remove the product from store shelves.

French supermarket Auchan apologizes to customers after marketing a toy AK-47 with a crescent moon and star, symbols associated with Islam. (Image from Auchan circular)
French supermarket Auchan apologizes to customers after marketing a toy AK-47 with a crescent moon and star, symbols associated with Islam. (Image from Auchan circular)
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