Kev Adams says stop to making automatic associations between Muslims and Terrorists

Kev Adams did not hesitate to defend French Muslims, who are “constantly in the spotlight” because of the Islamic State’s actions. His statement of support happened during his program On n’est pas couché on November 22.

He apologized for any associations between terrorism and Islam. “There are young adults that listen to me and one must not make automatic associations, Muslims are not terrorists, Muslims are good people,” he said.

“I’ve been lucky to tour in France, I like being able to visit different communities and I’ve been to many mosques where I saw that the discourse there is to tell the kids: ‘be proud to be Muslims…and to be French Muslims.’” Adams says it is “completely wrong” to say that they are terrorists, and added, “It’s important for me to say it on television.”

Before his show, journalist Elise Lucet highlighted the work done in mosques to combat radicalization. “In mosques there are people who are doing everything they can so that young adults, converts or Muslims, have a different vision of Islam, thanks to what they are taught.”

Adams’s sentiments were not all well-received by his fans. However, there have been many congratulatory messages that have multiplied after significant media coverage. “Thank you for your kind messages (and even the mean ones) about #OPNC or #VTEP! It is truly touching! #Love,” he wrote.


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