Mistake after mistake in Breivik’s monologue

Over an hour Anders Behring Breivik read his 13 page document which he considers a cornerstone of his defense. Along the way, he was continuously interrupted by the presiding Judge Wenche Arntzen who ordered Breivik to keep in short and to the point.  Nevertheless, Breivik read through the entire text he had prepared. The chief

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Islam in Norway

Written by Simon Sorgenfrei Demographics The first Muslim immigrants came to Norway in the late 1960s looking for work. People primarily arrived from North Morocco and Turkish Anatolia, with large numbers coming from the province of Punjab in Pakistan as well. Muslims of Pakistani background is, and has been, the dominant and most visible Muslim

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Terror threats against Norway

During the Muhammed cartoon reprint demonstrations last Friday, Mohyeldeen Mohammad from Larvik, Norway, (currently studying shari’a in Media, Saudi Arabia) spoke. Mohammad allegedly supported the stoning of homosexuals in his speech, and threatened Aftenposten. “When are the Norwegian authorities to understand this? Maybe not until it is to late. Maybe we’ll see a 9/11 or

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Muslim Manifest against Muslim Manifest

Muhammad Abdulhamid, Linda Noor and Basim Ghozlan, editors of islam.no repudiate Trond Ali Linstad’s “Muslim Manifest” of January 25. They ask Linstad who has given him the authority to speak for Muslims in Norway, and say he represents no one but himself. The manifest, they continue, is a patchwork of incoherent statements, and most readers

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Norway: Muslims feel watched

Muslims in Norway feel they’re being watched by the authorities as suspected terrorists. “Many Muslims feel that the threshold for being watched have been lowered. Ordinary people watch what they say on the telephone or what they write in email,” says Mohammad Usman Rana of the Muslim student society to NRK.They fear that the telephones

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