Norway: Previous approval on headscarves for Muslim police women recalled
The Norwegian government has rescinded its decision concerning its earlier approval to permit Muslim police women to wear a hijab as part of their uniform.
Justice Minister Knut Storberget said Wednesday that he would reexamine an earlier decision to allow Muslim women to join the police force while donning their hijab. “In light of the debate that has surfaced… especially the reactions from (the main police union) Politiets Fellesforbund, I think it is necessary to start over again.”
Head of the Islamic League in Norway Brahim Belkilani said that the move will “dash the dreams of Muslim girls to join the police force,” and “impose isolation on the Muslim minority instead of opening the door for positive integration.” Storberget said that “we are not saying no, but we’re not saying yes either” – leaving the decision officially unaddressed for now.